Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 04- What you imagine paradise to be like

I'm gonna go off-charts right here, when you think of perfection.. What do you think of? The perfect body? The perfect look, the perfect character etc etc. There are plenty of aspects to it, but lets look at it from a physical point of view. 

I'm assuming, that when we get our perfect bodies, what would it be like? Will it be the depiction of David by Michelangelo? Or would we be gender-less? 

If by any chances, that we retain our gender yet somehow through Godly character and do not feel even a slight tinge of temptation even by the standard of the infinitesimally small particle which the world can even research up to right now, would that mean that our body organs are absolutely useless? So there's no procreation in heaven? 

What I'm trying to say here is not about procreation. Its about being naked in heaven. Its the whole darn image in my head that all I have to protect any privacy I have right there would be a piece of white cloth which appears to be conveniently flying about covering the crucial areas in the paintings of ancient catholic churches that attempts to depict heaven and the host of angels. C'mon dude.. like.. really? Gosh. 

If I could imagine how paradise would be, It wouldn't be where people are naked with a white cloth flying about around them. 

On another matter, paradise to me would be pretty simple. 

God, my family, my friends, and my pets living together in a kingdom with no suffering, no pain and no worries.
add in some internet.
add in some gaming.
add in a white soft beach and crystal clear water which doesn't taste salty.
add in this and that... wahahahha.

Whoever said paradise would be that simple? >:D

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