Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A waste of time

I went to Uni in the morning proudly thinking that I would spend some useful and productive time revising due to two incoming tests next week but...I forgot to bring the majority of my notes. This is just sweet. Now I'm wasting more time doing more unproductive things like writing about how unnecessary this blog post is because it is.

Good thing is that I'll get to eat some good food later. Tau Fu Busuk here I come!

Dreamed some pretty weird things yesterday. I think my engineering consciousness is telling me to revise on my studies more.

Okay lets try to be productive. Found a philosophical question online.

Think of a famous movie and replace one of the words with "sausage" -absolutely hilarious stuff if you really look into it. []

I'll leave it to you guys to guess what movie it is :P

Dude, where's my sausage?
The Sausage Redemption
12 Angry Sausage
Sausage Begins [Batman Begins]
The Dark Sausage
Raiders of the Lost Sausage
Dr Strangelove: How I learned to stop worrying and love the sausage.
Its a wonderful Sausage
Sausage Gump
Sausage of Arabia
To Sausage a Mockingbird
Saving Sausage Ryan
Eternal Sausage of the Spotless mind
The Bourne Sausage
Lock, Stock and Two smoking sausages

Okok..enuff of this sausage fest.

Time to leave soon xD

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