Sunday, August 05, 2007

Fuck it

you know, i wish to believe..i want to believe that everything is fine..
but i'm just feeling plain insecure inside coz your not treating me the way u treat me anymore..i don't know if its just me or its just u.. but this doubt in me is just growing with each passing day.

And yes i fucking hate this feeling.. jealousy? nah.. it all just goes into a destroyed sense of self confidence.. I don't need anyone to tell me the bloody truth.. i know i can't do shit to save anyones pathetic existence.

you know sometimes, i think that something is happening behind my back.. yes i think too fucking much.. but I can't help it..i'm human not a saint. The phrase what goes around comes around keeps bloody spinning in my skull like a fucking disease. By the tone of this post.. u the readers shud know that i am pissed and depressed. So excuse my fuckin language coz i give no quarters to ur fuckin welfare or concerns.

Damn i feel better now, got it outta my head.. but this doesn't mean i'm over it..this means I am taking a bloody break from thinking too much, no wonder I hv so much white hair.


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