Friday, December 18, 2009

In a blink of an eye

Only 1 more week till Christmas, things to do are piling up like dead bodies in a game of l4d..hmm..grim metaphor. The past few weeks have been good, I thank God for giving me such blessings in my life. One thing, I think I'm going out too much. Yesterday's conversation with my sis proved it coz she didn't realize I was not in the house for 4 days.

Talking of metaphors, lemme tell you a story.
One day a boy asked his dad on how many types of breasts there were during dinner. The father answered,"well son, there's 3 types of breasts"

1st type: In her twenties

Breasts are like melons, firm and round.

2nd type: In her thirties to forties

Breasts are like pears, still nice but hanging.

3rd type: After fifty they are like onions.

"onions?" the boy asked.

Yea, onions coz when you see them they make you cry.

The wife, smiled and told her daughter that men have 3 types of penises too.

1st type: In his twenties

They are like oak trees, mighty and hard

2nd type: In his thirties to forties

They are like birch, flexible and reliable

3rd type: After his fifties, its like a Christmas tree

"Christmas tree?" the girl asked

Yep, christmas tree coz its dead from root up and the balls are only for decoration.


- I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem!


Camp was awesome btw. Learned really good stuff, made new friends, and had lotsa memorable moments ;)

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