Friday, December 03, 2010

Tough times ahead

I foresee a mountain to climb in the next few months, many things to do and accomplish yet so little and limited time and energy to dispense. But its only in those times where the presence of God is ever so strongly tangible. The presence so reassuring. For when I'm weak thats exactly when I'm strong right? in You :)

God please prepare me for the days to come and for the challenges that will arise. Guard my heart with your peace and understanding, pave the way ahead of me as I rely on you Lord, and sustain me in your presence. 

As they come marching in,
I stand and watch with eyes of troubled disgust.

As they come marching in,
Helplessness and hopelessness swirl about.

As they come marching in,
Despair is often long and comes in abrupt.

But I fear not. 
God is with me...In Him I will overcome.

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