Sunday, May 03, 2009

Are all horses the same?

A friend of mine sent a very intriguing msg stating:
Why are all horses the same?
if all horses are different, why don't we call those horses with different names like, horse A, Horse B, and so millions of horses will hv different names are then 'horse'.

Everything in this whole entire world is different. Things can be similar but they will never be the same. So to get back to the question, i stated that all horses are different. But why? Do we even need to ponder upon this question?

The fact that we can't and may never talk to horses like we talk to humans does not dismiss the fact that the horses may communicate with other horses, like humans do. And about the naming part, humans are egoistical self-centered creatures with the need of self-belonging. Thus, we feel that it is of utmost importance that we are given a name to label ourselves other than being a human being. i.e to feel important, unique etc.

So there are millions of horses all around the world now, why doesn't each and every other horse have their own name? Names like i said are something that we created for ourselves so what if horses name themselves too?

Lets view it from a horse's point of view, there are more than a billion humans in this planet, all having the same basic features. Horses don't give a damn about how fugly or how drop dead gorgeous a woman may look like, to them humans are just humans. So likewise, horses are just horses, we don't give a damn if they are somehow different or whatever.

And to sum it all up, every living being in this world is diff, in some ways or another. And seriously, I don't really give a damn about peoples' names moreover horses' ones. I only remember names which particularly stick to my head and won't bother remembering names of ppl i don't give a damn about. So if you asked me what was ur name and i forgot, well, I'm sorry in advance...i just ain't bothered enuff.

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