Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Okay, so there's approximately 4 more weeks till the end of the semester, and a lot, I mean a lot of work to do before this supposedly, hopefully and prayerfully final semester finishes.

So my commitments from now on until the final paper of my exams.

- No more computer games. So to my friends who are reading this, please don't tempt me in this time.
- Futsal only once a week. Gosh this is going to be so hard.
- No youtube-ing after 11.30pm. *edit* i'll make it to 1am instead -_-

This is going to be a hard fight, but it'll be a good fight! and the good fruit that is to be born at the end will be worth it! Cause God is good!

Can I hear an Amen!


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